P52W02: Photo Break

Sunday, January 17, 2010 | |

Some people have their cigarette breaks, and coffee breaks. I have my photo breaks. Nothing relaxes and de-stresses me like the click of the shutter.

I brought my 40D to the office intending to shoot a Project 52 entry, but not expecting anything to come out of it, what with the dim lights and the drab office furniture. Fortunately, a model was sitting a few rows in front of me! Kai = greyness-be-gone!

We decided to keep it simple and inconspicuous, so no light stands and umbrellas lest they kick us out. Set up at her cube beside a yellow rectangular column. Bounced the single flash off the window blinds to mimic light coming in through the window--soft and directional. Thirty minutes and we were done.

Just another day in the office. :)

Here's the fairly simple setup:
