And here's my laundry-themed lighting setup: a clothes rack as frame, a table cloth as diffuser (a flash on each side for even lighting), and a black shirt as background.
Because the walls of the room were white, I found it difficult to turn the background black. If I turn up the flash to overpower the ambient, some light will still leak to the back so that bits of furniture were still visible. I didn't have anything large enough to block the light, so I just decided to use a background that was black to start with--one of my shirts.
I was shocked at the amount of dust, too. :)
I don't know if it's noticeable here, but when I initially positioned the background shirt right behind the table it was still not black enough because of the light from the table cloth. I moved it back about a foot in the final shots to reduce the light hitting it.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
As our instructor, Jay, pointed out, it would've been better if I lighted the contents. I was able to do that (sort of) with the white background, but not with the black--I didn't have a third light. Next time. :)
Anyway, here are the results.
OMG lanz! ang galing mo!!!
sipsip! hahaha!
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